2020 Champion Support Sessions
There are six (6) individual Math Recovery® Champion Support Sessions scheduled throughout the remaining school year. These support sessions are free of cost and meet requirements for Champion recertification.
The remaining sessions listed below are broken into content strands with topic-specific offerings embedded in each strand. Strands count towards continuing education for Champions as needed for recertification. Note in April, we will provide two stand-alone sessions based on participant needs. Click on the session title link provided below to sign up.
Our goal is to provide a space and structure for Champions to connect, share ideas, develop and enhance their expertise while learning from one another. More information will be shared during the sessions or request a description by emailing mollie@mathrecovery.org on recertification session requirements.
Strand 3 ~ Coaching, Course Delivery and Facilitation (3:30 pm - 5:00 pm CST)
- Thursday, February 20 Focus on Practiced Based Professional Development
Strand 4 ~ AVMR Implementation: Discussion (11:30 am - 1:00 pm CST)
- Wednesday, March 4 Models for Implementation
- Wednesday, March 18 Models for Assessment (Who and When)
- Wednesday, April 1 Campfire Session: Implementation
Stand Alone Support Sessions (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm CST)
- Tuesday, April 14 Participant Driven Discussion
- Tuesday, April 28 Participant Driven Discussion