Spanish Translated SAGE Books Now Available

US Math Recovery Council® is pleased to offer the Spanish versions of our popular SAGE Publications. Please visit the Store Tab on our website where you can find pricing and download the order form for all Math Recovery® Educational Products. Email your order form to

Now available are:

  • Teaching Number in the Classroom, (Purple) 2nd Edition; Ensenar el Numero, a los ninos de 4 A 8 anos
  • Developing Number Knowledge, (Red); Desarrollar el Conocimiento Numerico, evaluacion, ensenansa e intervencion con ninos de 7 A 11 anos
  • Teaching Number, Skills & Strategies, (Green) 2nd Edition; Ensenar El Numero, Ayudar A Qui Los Ninos Avancen En Sus Habilidades Y Estrategias

For more information and details about these publications, as well as to share your district's interest level in these or other Spanish translated books, please contact Lisa at

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