Latest News & Happenings

Current happenings and updates from Math Recovery®

USRMC Seeks Employees for Minnesota Office

Dear US Math Recovery® Council Members,

We are looking forward to a delightfully busy summer schedule! The response to Summer Institute trainings for Math Recovery® Intervention Specialists and AVMR Champions...

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May 2013 Letter from Carolyn

Dear US Math Recovery® Members,

Jim Martland, Math Recovery® Founder

It truly warms my heart to be part of an organization so passionate for its mission. It was a...

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May 2013 Update from the Board Chair

Dear USMRC Membership:

What an exciting Denver Conference! The theme of Climbing New Heights of Numeracy was truly achieved through our wonderful keynote speakers as well as through our Math...

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US Math Recovery at The NCTM Conference

US Math Recovery® staffed a booth at the NCTM Conference in Denver this year. As part of a promotion, USMRC sent postcards to conference attendees with a bit of advertising...

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Connecting Research to Practice

Whenever we try a new practice in the classroom, we, of course, want it to positively impact student learning. However, many times the best practices we implement take several years...

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US Math Recovery Hires Carolyn K. Olijnek as CEO

Nashville, TN (April 5, 2013) - Math Recovery®, a non-profit mathematics intervention council announces that Carolyn K. Olijnek joins the organization as its first Chief Executive Officer. Olijnek is a...

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An Update from the USMRC Board Chair

The February 2013 USMRC Board of Directors meeting was FABULOUS! I'm so proud of the many accomplishments made by the Office staff, Board and Committees over the past six months!...

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Introducing New Board Members

USMRC welcomes two new board members this year. Anne N. Catena, Ed.D. is the director of Professional Development Initiatives, a lecturer, and program associate with The Program in Teacher Preparation...

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CEO Search Team

The Math Recovery® Council has an active Search Team looking nationwide for the next CEO with a goal to announce the new leader at the Annual Conference in Denver in...

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