The US Math Recovery Council® Board of Directors proudly honors mathematics educators through scholarship opportunities for those new to Math Recovery®, those looking to support ongoing Math Recovery® professional development, and for honoring those who are doing exceptional work in mathematics education.
Add+VantageMR® Course 1 Exploratory Award
Application Closed
Apply to win a scholarship to attend Add+VantageMR® Course 1. No pre-requisites needed. Professional development fees and course materials included in the scholarship. Small groups or individuals may apply.
Add+VantageMR® Fractions Exploratory Award
Application Closed
Apply to win a scholarship to attend Add+VantageMR® Fractions. No pre-requisites needed. Professional development fees and course materials included in the scholarship. Small groups or individuals may apply.
Math Recovery® Specialist Part 1: Intervention and Specialization in Number Learning for the Primary Grades Award
Application Closed
Scholarships available for individuals to attend MRSp Part 1. The available course is virtual, year-long, and includes one-on-one coaching, course materials, assessment kits and teaching materials.
USMRC Advancing to Leadership Award
Application Closed
Apply for a leadership scholarship! USMRC is awarding professional development and course materials for Add+VantageMR Course 1 and 2 Champion or Math Recovery Specialist Part 1 Leader. Applicants can choose to apply for one of the available Champion and Leader courses. Each course has pre-requisites which must be complete to be eligible to apply.
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when new awards open
What is Math Recovery?
Math Recovery is evidence-based professional development which empowers educators to advance students’ mathematical thinking and success. We do this through educator development, student assessment, and instructional strategies. Math Recovery® has three different professional development offering paths: