CEO Search Team
The Math Recovery® Council has an active Search Team looking nationwide for the next CEO with a goal to announce the new leader at the Annual Conference in Denver in early May. Using a national consultant with the Center for Nonprofit Management, the search team is narrowing its focus on a few candidates who are completing the screening and interview process. Deb Farley, chair of the Search Team says, "After looking across the country, we believe we are close to a candidate who can lead us into the future. As stated in our CEO request, we need someone who is a forward-thinking executive with a proven nonprofit leadership background as well as strong management skills. Someone who brings a strong math education background, the ability to build and execute a vision for sustainable growth, and a transparent, collaborative leadership style." Members of the CEO Search Team include: Deb Farley, Cathy Briand, Vicki Breneman, Yvette Panasowich & Lynn Haden.