Nominations Accepted for the Board of Directors

The US Math Recovery Council's® process for filling open positions on our Board of Directors is to seek nominations from the membership in order to create a voting slate that is then presented for election. The Board of Directors strives to be composed of 7 members from the Math Recovery® community and 6 members from the education community, as well as other professional backgrounds, that possess expertise that would be beneficial to the US Math Recovery Council®.

For the Board to perform at the highest possible level, we seek to diversify the areas of expertise represented among Board members. Board members coming from outside the Math Recovery® community that can add areas of expertise to the US Math Recovery Council® Board of Directors would include, but are not limited to, school administrators, accountants, legal experts, people from the mathematics education community, researchers, university faculty, and community leaders.

As we prepare for our up-coming elections, we are seeking nominations for potential Board Members to help serve the US Math Recovery Council®. We are thankful for those that were nominated this past spring and will be contacting them shortly, but we are always seeking potential Board Members. If you know someone willing to dedicate their time to serving our US Math Recovery Council® community, please submit your nomination to the Board Development Committee at Each year you can anticipate three to four open positions on the Board.

This year we are seeking three members from the Math Recovery® community and one from outside the Math Recovery® Community. Timeline for Board Elections:

  • August - Determine the number of vacancies and needs of the board.
  • October - All current members of US Math Recovery Council® will be e-mailed a request for nominations to the board.
  • Mid-October - Nominees will be contacted and biographical information will be requested.
  • February - The Board Development Committee will determine a slate of nominees from the nominations. The committee will focus on keeping a balance of members on the board. Balancing the board includes regions of the United States, Math Recovery® practitioners, the math community at large, and skills needed for the board.
  • May - The slate of nominees will be presented via electronically. A vote will follow electronically within 21 days of the presentation. All current members will have the opportunity to vote on the slate of nominees.
  • June - Newly elected board members will be notified no later than 2 weeks after the votes have been tallied and will be announced to the membership on the US Math Recovery Council® website.
  • August - New Board members join the Board of Directors in August.

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