What is US Math Recovery® Professional Development?
Math Recovery® provides dynamic professional development which impacts the way professional educators think about student numeracy learning.
Educators learn to design, implement, and analyze mathematics instruction based on individual student learning. evidence-based diagnostic assessments, learning progressions, and high-quality instructional tools help participants increase student understanding and achievement.

Learning Pathways

With US Math Recovery Council® course offerings you are able to develop a personal, school, or district plan to improve student numeracy by selecting courses to address tiers of support for kindergarten through 8th grade number topics.
Explore this eLearning module to learn more about the Add+VantageMR and Math Recovery Specialist pathways, compare pathways and see what might be right for you, and see examples of utilizing Math Recovery assessment data to inform instruction.
Add+VantageMR® Course 1 & Course 2
Add+VantageMR® empowers educators to use diagnostic assessments and learning trajectories to guide the teaching of whole number topics. During this practice-based professional development, participants develop their knowledge and skills of day-to-day practice.
Math Recovery® Specialist
Math Recovery® Specialist builds a high level of expertise in Math Recovery® content, assessment, and pedagogy. The Math Recovery® Specialist course transforms educators into highly skilled practitioners who pinpoint children’s current levels of knowledge and accelerate their learning through a deepened understanding of learning trajectories. Specialists learn how to choose appropriate tools to support conceptual understanding of early numeracy. The goal of Math Recovery® Specialist is to advance student's mathematical understanding.
Add+VantageMR® Fractions
Add+VantageMR® Fractions empowers educators to use diagnostic assessments and learning trajectories to guide the teaching of fraction topics. This blended learning and practice-based professional development within AVMR courses, allows participants to work directly with students. Participants gain a better understanding of students' current knowledge and how to help students advance.
US Math Recovery® Leadership
Leadership courses prepare educators to deliver and support US Math Recovery® professional development programs. Leadership participants dig deep into research, discuss the ins and outs of our courses, and become advocates for high quality math education.
Graduate Credits: Affordable, Flexible, Big Results!
US Math Recovery Council® partners with the University of the Pacific to bring you graduate credit opportunities. Earn credits for Add+VantageMR® and Math Recovery Specialist Courses at only $62 per credit—simple registration, no added assignments, and year-round convenience.
Math Recovery® Virtual Workshops
These professional development virtual workshops focus on early numeracy development. They support elementary educators, special education instructors, math interventionists, and math coaches in diagnosing and advancing student understanding and numeracy development. These support workshops will be interactive with a USMRC instructional coach and include content review, videos, and group discussion. Depending on the workshop, the length will be 60 or 90 minutes long.
Serving All Students
All students deserve instruction that is designed to specifically target and advance their current mathematical understandings and skills.
Get Started with Math Recovery®
Download the Professional Development booklet, made for administrators, decision-makers, and decision-influencers, packed with all the information needed to help decide if Math Recovery is the right mathematics professional development fit. Ready to move forward?
Contact UsInterested in hosting a course in your district?
We can help you find the right option for you to bring Math Recovery to your students! Contact UsPhotography by Rebecca Zenefski