Enhance Math Instruction
in the Classroom
Ready Set Math includes evidence-based, digital teacher resources for mini-lessons with large or small groups and independent activities. Focusing on important numeracy topics, Ready Set Math’s formative assessment tasks and mini-lessons offer powerful tools to quickly identify what students know and target instruction to meet their needs. Ready Set Math works with any core curriculum to help educators choose the right content, at the right time, for all students.
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Support Key Math Concepts for Students
Ready Set Math is organized into modules across a range of topics focusing on number concepts and skills. Each module includes a well-defined learning goal and a progression of learning sub-goals.
Topics include:
- Early Numeracy
- Addition & Subtraction
- Base-10 Concepts and Strategies
- Multiplication & Division
- Fractions

Increase Student
Engagement and Learning
Ready Set Math promotes student engagement through a range of instructional methods and challenging, yet fun, activities. Educators can choose from mini-lessons and activities for large group, small group, and independent work to build student confidence and increase student learning.

Empower All Educators
Ready Set Math is intended for use by all educators, regardless of previous experience with Math Recovery® professional development. These resources support confident and informed design of purposeful, pinpointed instruction.

Use Assessment to
Guide Instruction
Ready Set Math provides student knowledge checks to support selection of appropriate learning goals, determine readiness, monitor progress, and document growth. Additionally, opportunities for formative assessment are embedded throughout the mini-lessons and activities to support moment-to-moment instructional decision-making.
Use in a Variety of Teaching and
Learning Environments
Ready Set Math has the versatility to support a range of classroom environments, student needs, grade levels and ages. The components can be used flexibly to support students in:
- Core Instruction
- Interventions and Enrichments
- Special Education
- After School Programs
- Summer School Programs

Connect Research to Practice

Ready Set Math is grounded in the research of the Learning Framework in Number (LFIN) and inspired by the Math Recovery Guiding Principles for Classroom Teaching (see Math Recovery series of texts by Wright, R.J. et al.) To learn more about the research underpinnings and effectiveness, visit research.
What Educators Are Saying
Frequently Asked Questions
Which students would be the most appropriate audience for these modules?
All students! The resources in the modules begin by finding students current levels of knowledge to make informed instructional decisions about what lessons and activities might be most appropriate. Check out this chart to see how modules in Ready Set Math might support students’ learning needs.
How do I use the resources?
How do I select a module to use?
I'm ready to get started, how do I dive into Ready Set Math?
Do I need to take Math Recovery courses before using these modules?
No. Ready Set Math is designed to be accessible for all educators. The instructional activities provide integrated professional learning opportunities to deepen understanding of the content and intentional design of the activities. For educators who have completed Math Recovery courses, Ready Set Math will complement course learning and provide support for strong implementation in the classroom.
I am interested in purchasing. What is the cost?
Check out the Ready Set Math Pricing Guide
What is available for each module?
The Ready Set Math Fact Sheets have all the information you need to discover each module.
What funding types might be used to purchase this product?
This product is created to supplement classroom curriculum to improve educational outcomes for all students. Districts may be able to access several qualifying funding sources (e.g., ESSER, EANS, Title IA, IDEA). Contact USMRC if support is needed on how these products may meet specific requirements.
What is the Learning Framework in Number (LFIN)?
The Learning Framework in Number (LFIN) is a compilation of important research on number learning that is the heart of Math Recovery. This framework is used in many places around the world in programs to support the teaching and learning through first instruction, intervention, and enrichment. To learn more about the research underpinnings and effectiveness, visit research.
How can I learn more about the Learning Framework in Number (LFIN)?
The US Math Recovery Council (USMRC) offers a range of professional learning experiences for educators which deepens understanding and supports application of the LFIN. To learn more about how the USMRC can support your Math Recovery journey, visit professional development.
How many activities and mini-lessons are within each module?
Each module has approximately 50-70 mini-lessons and activities across the progression of subgoals.
How will a web-based resource support my instruction?
A web-based resource allows for easy accessibility and user interaction. It also ensures access to the most recent materials available in each module. When additional supports or activity enhancements occur, members receive immediate, up-to-date materials.
Request More Info
Contact us to learn more about integrating Ready Set Math into your classroom today!