Monkeying Around: Combine Collections  (Large Group)


Purpose: Explore combining two collections 

Description: Students explore combining two collections presented in scenarios to find the total.  


  • Prepared Digital Slides (optional)

What To Say and Do

  • 1

    Introduce students to the animals involved in the scenarios. Inform them we are going to explore what these silly animals are up to.

  • 2

    Discuss combining two collections within a context such as: 

    1. Show four monkeys in a tree displayed in a regular spatial pattern  Ask, “How many silly monkeys are playing in the tree.”
    2. Place three more monkeys under the tree in a regular dot pattern.  Ask, “How many monkeys came to play with them?” 
    3. Ask, “How many monkeys are playing altogether?”
  • 3

    Provide opportunities for students to discuss how they figured out the total.

  • 4

    Repeat with other scenarios.


This activity may be difficult for students who need materials in front of them. Consider having available counters to support perceptual counting.

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