Multiplicative Structuring with 2s (Small Group)
Purpose: Develop multiplicative reasoning with sets of groups
Description: Students reason with 2-tiles to support developing facility with their 2s.
What To Say and Do
Present tasks based on student data to leverage knowledge of small doubles or five-plus combinations.
Example task to leverage small doubles:
- Place out three 2-tiles face up and screen. Say,
- There are three tiles with two dots on each.
- How many dots are there?
- How did you know?
- Place three more 2-tiles next to the screen then push under. Ask,
- If I place three more tiles under the screen, how many tiles are under there now?
- How many total dots are under there?
- How do you know?
- Place out three 2-tiles face up and screen. Say,
Example task to leverage five-plus combinations:
- Place out five 2-tiles faceup and screen. Say,
- There are five tiles with two dots on each.
- How many dots are there?
- How did you know?
- Place three more 2-tiles next to the screen then push under. Ask,
- If I place three more tiles under the screen, how many tiles are under there now?
- How many total dots are under there?
- How do you know?
- Place out five 2-tiles faceup and screen. Say,
Continue posing tasks with 2-tiles to support students reasoning with groups of groups.
Present tasks with the 2-tiles facedown.
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