Numeral Tracks (Small Group)


Purpose: Gain facility with forward and backward sequences for multiples of 10, on and off the decuple

Description: Students use numeral tracks to rehearse forward and backward number word sequences for 10s, on and off the decuple.


  • Two Numeral tracks
  • Sentence strips with sequences by 10s on and off the decuple (e.g., 12, 22, 32, 42, 52)

What To Say and Do

  • 1

    Prepare two sentence strips with sequences of five numerals on each strip that involve skip counts by 10s on or off the decuple.   

  • 2

    Present the sequence using two numeral tracks end-to-end, with covers open and numerals visible.

  • 3

    Ask students to read the numerals as you point to them, both forward and backward.

  • 4

    Close all the covers and uncover one at a time, asking students to say the number word as they see it.

  • 5

    Close all the covers. Ask students to say the number word before you uncover it. Uncover to check.   

  • 6

    Close all the covers. Uncover one numeral, point to a cover two spaces away. Ask students which numeral is under the cover.

  • 7

    Continue the lesson using the same process, asking students to identify numerals one to three spaces away, both before and after.


Create sentence strips of numerals that extend to sequences beyond 100.

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