Sub-goal D: Create and use unit fractions as measures

Fractions as measures comes from knowing fractions as quantities being produced from iterations (i.e., connected copies) of a unit fraction. A unit fraction becomes known as having a 1 to n multiplicative relationship with the whole. Unit fractions then become fractional units that are the building blocks for other fractions. This can be the basis for determining a unit fraction from a given whole, re-creating the whole from a unit fraction, and creating non-unit fractions from a unit fraction. Fractions as measures also provides the basis for fractions on a number line. The instructional resources provide opportunities for students to engage with fractions as measures.

Home Communication and Engagement

Large Group
Instructional Activities

Pick a Part
Activity 9-D-L-1

Purpose: Identify a unit fraction from a given whole

Description: Students choose from a selection of pieces to represent a given unit fraction of a whole then justify their reasoning.

Find My Fraction
Activity 9-D-L-2

Purpose: Identify a unit fraction from a given whole

Description: Students identify the part that represents a given unit fraction for a given whole then justify their reasoning.

Find the Whole from a Unit Fraction
Activity 9-D-L-3

Purpose: Flexibly use a unit fraction as a unit of measure to create a whole

Description: Students use colored fraction strips of a given unit fraction to create a whole bar.

Fraction Creations
Activity 9-D-L-4
Go To Fraction Creations Activity

Purpose: Flexibly use a unit fraction as a unit of measure to create a proper fraction

Description: Students use unit fraction strips to draw specified proper fractions.

Candy Bag
Activity 9-D-L-5

Purpose: Identify the whole or a proper fraction from a given unit fraction of a set model

Description: Students use knowledge of unit fractions to find the whole or fractional part of a bag of candy.

Find My Way
Activity 9-D-L-6

Purpose: Gain knowledge of proper fractions as a quantity between 0 and 1

Description: Students position unit fractions and related proper fractions within the interval from 0 to 1.

Small Group
Instructional Activities

Find the Share
Activity 9-D-S-1

Purpose: Reason with unit fractions to identify a specified unit fraction from a whole.

Description: Students use fraction strips to select and identify a specified unit fraction.

Seek and Find
Activity 9-D-S-2

Purpose: Identify a unit fraction from a given whole

Description: Students identify a unit fraction when given the size of the whole after making a prediction through drawing.

Which One Is It?
Activity 9-D-S-3

Purpose: Flexibly use a unit fraction as a unit of measure to create a whole

Description: Students use a given unit fraction to make a selection of the corresponding whole.

What Will It Take?
Activity 9-D-S-4

Purpose: Flexibly use a unit fraction as a unit of measure to create a proper fraction

Description: Students use a given unit fraction to identify a proper fraction using fraction strips.

How Far Am I?
Activity 9-D-S-5

Purpose: Gain knowledge of relative sizes of proper fractions

Description: Students position unit fractions and related proper fractions within the interval from 0 to 1 on a number line.

Instructional Activities

Order Up
Activity 9-D-I-1

Purpose: Reason with unit fractions to identify an equal share from a whole

Description: Students reason with unit fractions to fulfill a food order of equal shares.

Ultimate Order Up
Activity 9-D-I-2

Purpose: Identify a unit fraction referencing a whole

Description: Students reason with unit fractions and a whole to fulfill a food order.

Ready, Set, Go!
Activity 9-D-I-3

Purpose: Identify a unit fraction from a given whole

Description: Students use specified-sized bars as wholes to identify unit fraction strips and then use strips to race across the whole bar.

What Strip is the Whole?
Activity 9-D-I-4

Purpose: Flexibly use a unit fraction as a unit of measure to create a whole

Description: Students create and solve tasks that involve using a unit fraction to find a whole.

Candy Bag Battle
Activity 9-D-I-5

Purpose: Identify the whole or a proper fraction from a given unit fraction of a set model

Description: Students use knowledge of unit fractions to find the whole or fractional part of a bag of candy.

Sketch It
Activity 9-D-I-6

Purpose: Flexibly use a unit fraction as a unit of measure to create a proper fraction

Description: Students take turns drawing and determining proper fractions.

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