The Struggle is Real...
Fear Not the Fraction! (Grades 3-5)
Fractions are the foundation for a series of important secondary math concepts, yet the struggle with teaching fractions is real! Participants will engage in rigorous tasks designed to elicit sense making related to fraction concepts as learners first and then observe students engaging in the same tasks. It’s time to put the fear of fractions away!
Thank you for your interest in the session! A download of the handouts for this session is available after filling out the link below to win a copy of Developing Fractions Knowledge.
Interested in trying out Math Recovery professional development? Tuition Scholarships applications are open.

Dina Mendola
Dina Mendola is a Partnership Lead Specialist at Math Recovery Council® with over 25 years of experience in K-12 mathematics education. Dina has served as a mathematics educator, Gifted and Talented District Coordinator, Math Interventionist, District Math Coordinator, K-8 Instructional Coach, as well as a Project Advisor for developing district leaders in the Leadership in Mathematics Project at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
In her role with the US Math Recovery Council®, she is dedicated to sharing her passion of empowering educators and providing supports to build sustainable implementation of effective instructional practices within educational systems.
Please reach out to with any questions.
About Math Recovery

What is Math Recovery?
The US Math Recovery Council® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering educators and advancing students’ mathematical thinking and success. Math Recovery® transforms numeracy education through customized and unique professional learning with meaningful assessment and instruction, while Math Champs® works directly with students in one-on-one and small group settings within schools and districts.
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