Math Recovery® Testimonials

What Educators Are Saying

The quality and importance of the professional development offered through the US Math Recovery Council® has been recognized by course participants upon completion and implementation.

What Educators Are Saying

(Add+VantageMR®) has changed the way I support student learning. I can identify the learning foundations where students struggle with proficiency and the why. Being able to identify these struggle points guides my instruction and my instructional guidance for teachers. With Math Recovery courses, I am able to narrow down the deficiency and target my instruction accordingly.

Special Education Teacher Dover, DE

Math Recovery courses have really helped me see the gaps in instruction my students have missed, while allowing me to focus on certain areas of skills and instruction for each individual.

Classroom Teacher Dover, DE

This is the best professional development opportunity I have taken in my career. It was the best learning experience because I learned how children learn and develop mathematical skills and concepts. I feel very knowledgeable after taking this course. Thank You

Course Participant Rapid City, SD

This course was extremely beneficial to me, in how I assess, design lessons and teach students. Course 2 helped me connect a lot of the math thinking from Course 1 and from previous years of study and practice. I am looking forward to using the diagnostic assessments more and to really use the progressive mathematization to help design highly effective lessons.

Course Participant Rapid City, SD

I have enjoyed my journey so far and just seeing the improvement that my lessons have made to my students have inspired me and I hope to continue my learning in this area. It just makes sense and it is what good teaching should be about because all too often we get away from doing the right thing by students and we try to fill their heads as quickly as possible because of the demands that are placed on us. Every future teacher should go through a class like this.... thank you!

Math Interventionist Amherst, MA
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  • (Add+VantageMR®) has changed the way I support student learning. I can identify the learning foundations where students struggle with proficiency and the why. Being able to identify these struggle points guides my instruction and my instructional guidance for teachers. With Math Recovery courses, I am able to narrow down the deficiency and target my instruction accordingly.

    Special Education Teacher Dover, DE
  • Math Recovery courses have really helped me see the gaps in instruction my students have missed, while allowing me to focus on certain areas of skills and instruction for each individual.

    Classroom Teacher Dover, DE
  • I am excited to share (as a Champion) AVMR Course information with participants. I am looking forward to continuing my work with students and now plan to support staff members (as funding permits) to reach even more students in need. I would love to see Math Recovery fully implemented within our district. I would like to be the person in our area that helps bring Math Recovery to all. I so enjoy the MR staff and look forward to continuing my work within MR.

    Course Participant Marshall, MI
  • For any individual seeking to broaden their understanding of the world of fractions and how to assess and teach it, I would highly recommend this course. The instructor's professionalism and extensive knowledge of both pedagogy and the mathematical content make them an invaluable resource for both children and adults alike.

    Special Education Teacher Sheridan, WY
  • This has been a very valuable class. I wish all elementary teachers were required to have such impactful instruction.

    Classroom Teacher Sheridan, WY
  • I like the blended environment with a mix of individual tasks and the virtual meetings. I especially found the interactive modules to be helpful in deepening my understanding!

    Interventionist Apple Valley, MN
  • Thank you for making this course possible. I truly feel like this and the other AVMR courses has made me a better teacher.

    Classroom Teacher
  • Before going through the MRIS training program I had many pieces of knowledge and understanding regarding how to fill learning gaps for my intervention students. As I completed my learning year, I feel strongly that my training has woven these pieces together into a deeper understanding of levels and stages that transcends to my instruction.

    Math Interventionist/Math Coach (K-3) Fond du Lac, WI
  • As a math coach, the MRIS designation has made me more knowledgable and more solid in my understanding of numeracy development. I will be able to share this learning with my teachers from now on.

    Math Coach Fond du Lac, WI
  • The most rewarding experiences that came from completing MRIS designation were: - the knowledge I gained about how students learn math - understanding how to facilitate that learning by taking a constructivist approach - having the confidence to know where to go next with my students through the understanding of progressive mathematization, the guiding principles, key elements, and characteristics of children's problem solving - witnessing students' cognitive reorganizations - supporting students throughout an entire Math Recovery cycle and seeing the growth they made - collaborating with colleagues around our learning

    Course Participant Green Bay, WI