What Educators Are Saying
The quality and importance of the professional development offered through the US Math Recovery Council® has been recognized by course participants upon completion and implementation.

This is the best professional development opportunity I have taken in my career. It was the best learning experience because I learned how children learn and develop mathematical skills and concepts. I feel very knowledgeable after taking this course. Thank You
This course was extremely beneficial to me, in how I assess, design lessons and teach students. Course 2 helped me connect a lot of the math thinking from Course 1 and from previous years of study and practice. I am looking forward to using the diagnostic assessments more and to really use the progressive mathematization to help design highly effective lessons.
This course was amazing! It was four days of interaction with other teachers and quality discussions. This was one of the most useful courses I have taken. It was really eye opening to the world of math and how it needs to be taught based on students' construct levels.
I took the level 1 Math AVMR course last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. This course was also very enjoyable and I felt like I grasped the knowledge easier because of the previous learning from the first course.
This course gave me more insight to specific foundational skills students need to develop in order to improve in math skills than other math courses in the past.
My participation in this course has given me a deeper level of knowledge, theory and understanding to support, develop and coach our elementary teachers in their math instruction and intervention. I have also been able to better support our classroom teachers in planning effective intervention lessons using the classroom instructional framework and guiding principles. In addition, I have been using my videos of assessment administration and lessons as learning model to them to better develop their use and understanding of using assessment information to drive instruction.
The ability to assess a student and work in their zone of learning. I have seen such growth in the students I have worked with. This spring I also realized the retention rate of the learning students had. It was impressive.
This will really help me in my work with special education teachers. I can use my knowledge to support students and teachers in providing instruction that is right in the ZPD of each student. The MRIS work, along with my Champion work, will really be an asset to our special education teachers. It will make me a better coach (both in instructional knowledge about math and in strategies to coach teachers) this year and for years to come.
Above and beyond: combined theory and practice that I can use in my classroom tomorrow.
This course helped me become more reflective in my teaching strategies. I also learned important activities and questions to ask my students to understand how they reason through a problem.