Model and Assessment: Place Value Assessment Workshop

Math Recovery® Sponsored

Workshop ID #163 Dates

January 2022 Starts Ends Virtual
Friday , January 14, 2022 01:15 PM (Eastern) 02:45 PM (Eastern) Yes

About This Workshop

This workshop is mostly reserved for Ludlow MA participants, but has some room for out of district participants. If outside of the Ludlow district, click on REGISTER below and the Pay and Register. Cost is $40. Contact with questions. Thank you!

Workshop Details

This 90-minute interactive workshop guides participants through administration, coding, and analyzing of the Add+VantageMR® Place Value assessment. Participants will deepen their understanding of the decisions needed when presenting the assessment tasks to attain greater efficiency towards gathering meaningful data to drive instruction based on learning trajectories within the model.

Workshop Prerequisites

Prerequisite Option 1

  1. Add+VantageMR® 2

Prerequisite Option 2

  1. Add+VantageMR® 2 Virtual

Prerequisite Option 3

  1. Add+VantageMR® 2 Virtual - LAUSD

Workshop Registration

Registration has ended for this workshop.